At 9:15 a.m. on Sunday morning in a suburban mall, the mini-IMAX…
Category: Debut (page 6)
“Carter” mission accomplished in IMAX 3D
“John Carter” is a big Disney movie that takes place in a…
Star Wars has phantom 3D
Another missed opportunity for 3D. This weekend’s release of the so-called first…
Journey 2 3D Adventure
One of the first and most pleasantly surprising 3D movie successes in…
Box-office Beauty in 3D
Disney found even more treasure in the 3D well this holiday three-day…
Smurfs 3D Blu-ray new extras
What could be more fitting than the colony of blue Smurfs on…
Arthur Christmas a Go; Hugo a slow-go
Thankfully, two of the finest demonstrations of 3D this year come to…
Spy Kids 4 best Rodriguez 3D
Innovative digital filmmaker Robert Rodriguez has been shooting and releasing his movies…
3D Blu Bolt leads Chicken, Robinsons, G
On the heels of the recent quality Blu-ray 3D release of the…
3D “Cars 2” One to Consider
A tip of the tractor to Disney-Pixar for producing an original 3D…