Bambi in Blu March 1

Bambi in Blu March 1

Bambi is coming out of the forest and onto Blu-ray Disc March 1 in the Walt Disney Studios’ latest Diamond Collection entry of classics in HiDef. The 70-minute “Bambi” was Walt Disney’s fifth animated theatrical feature in 1942 and it was nominated for three Academy Awards, including Best Song (“Love Is a Song”).

The 2-Disc Disney Combo Pack (Blu-ray + DVD) will be priced at $39.99 SRP ($46.99 in Canada) will feature the introduction of something called “Second Screen” technology, allowing viewers to interact with the movie on multiple media platforms. A download of a new Disney Second Screen App onto an internet-connected computer or iPad is required, which would be synched to the movie and allow interactive elements such as animated flipbooks, galleries, photos, and trivia.

Bonus features will include:

  • Inside Walt’s Story Meetings-Enhanced Edition: dramatic voice re-enactments of the moments with Walt that led to the creation of the film.
  • Two never-before-seen deleted scenes
  • Deleted song: “Twitterpated”
  • Blu-ray Galleries: collection of images originally created as part of the design process.
  • Disney’s Big Book of Knowledge: “Bambi” Edition — An interactive educational gaming experience

Plus previously-released DVD bonus features including making-of featurettes and archival materials.

— By Scott Hettrick