Megamind blower in 3D

Megamind blower in 3D

Megamind” held onto the top spot at the box-office with a very respectable second weekend drop of only 35% to $30 million, with 64% of that coming from 3D showings again, and 6% of the overall gross coming IMAX.

The movie is already at nearly $90 million domestically after just 10 days in theaters, with another $27 ml. internationally without even hitting most European theaters yet.

Another recent 3D movie, “Jackass 3D,” has already catapulted well past the $100 million to $115 mil., thanks to another $2.3 mil. this weekend.

A third 3D movie in the top ten, “Saw 3D,” hacked its way to another $2.7 million to cut closer to $44 million.