Alien Anthology Blu-ray Oct. 26

Alien Anthology Blu-ray Oct. 26

All four “Alien” movies will be released on Blu-ray Disc Oct. 26 with more than 60 hours of bonus features and more than 12,000 images in Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment’s six-disc “Alien Anthology” set ($139 in the U.S.).

AlienAnthologyThe bonus material will also be accessible in a new “MU-TH-UR Mode” interactive access feature to connect material from every previous home video release of the “Alien” saga, including the 1991/1992 laserdisc releases, the 1999 “Legacy” release and 2003’s “Alien Quadrilogy.”

The set also includes two versions of each film and more than four hours of previously unreleased exclusive material such as original screen-tests of Sigourney Weaver prior to filming the original “Alien,” unseen deleted scenes, thousands of still photographs from the Fox archives, and the previously unseen original cut of “Wreckage and Rage: The Making of Alien3.”