Plenty of new Blu-ray releases to choose from this week (Tuesday, Dec. 22) even though none of them have anything to do with Christmas:
All About Steve ($39.99, Fox) is yet another Sandra Bullock movie of 2009. Not in the same league as “Blind Side” or “The Proposal,” but still cute and also has fun Bradley Cooper (“The Hangover”) as the suffering target of a sweet but determined stalker.
— Fun and lengthy spoof of entertainment TV reporter on-set interviews.
- Extract ($39.99, Miramax/Disney) is mildly amusing low-budget farce from Mike Judge (“Beavis and Butt-Head,” “Office Space”) with top-notch cast of Jason Bateman, Ben Affleck, and Mila Kunis (“That 70s Show”) about a small business owner whose dream of selling the company is jeopardized by a freak employee injury and a sexy con artist.
— Blu-ray exclusive deleted and extended scenes.
- Family Guy: Something, Something, Something Dark Side” ($29.99, Fox) is world premiere of the newest 44-minute Star Wars spoof with galaxy of 80s & 90s references and humor, beginning with riff on writer Aaron Sorkin’s rapid-fire dialogue
— Lengthy funny table reads and fun pop-up trivia.
- American Pie Presents: Book of Love ($39.98, Universal) is world premiere of movie tailor-made for those who laugh at gross sex siutations — high school guy gets oral sex from old lady who dies and gets lockjaw in process.
— Deleted scenes, gag reel, trivia, behind-the-scenes, iPhone App, social Blu network, BD Live
- It Might Get Loud ($37.95, Sony) chronicle of legendary guitarists jamming and mostly talking – Jimmy Page, The Edge, and Jack White.
— Deleted scenes, commentary, Toronto Film Festival press conference, movieIQ
- Call of the Wild 3D ($19.99, Vivendi), modern retelling of the classic story, all in live-action digital 3D on DVD – no Blu-ray – after limited theatrical run. (Music video below…)