One of the primary reasons that the major broadcast networks are not broadcasting any programs in 3DTV as they did in the early days of HDTV is their binding re-transmission contracts with local stations.

Steve Schklair, CEO of 3ality Technica, said during an open board meeting this week of the International 3D Society that broadcast networks are contractually restricted from offering 3D broadcasts of their programming because it would cannibalize the audience of local broadcasters. Local stations do not yet have the capability of broadcasting a simultaneous 3D channel. Even if and when they can, there are not enough 3D-ready TVs to receive the signal. With HD, broadcasters could upgrade to digital and HD signals without fear of losing their viewers once most viewers had upgraded to TVs with digital receivers because an HD signal was still view-able on any digital TV, albeit in lesser visual quality.
Although many new HD TVs are 3D capable, a separate channel is required for broadcast. Even satellite services like DirecTV and DISH, and cable systems that offer 3D service, provide only dedicated channels for 3D programming such as ESPN 3D, 3net, and video-on-demand 3D movies.
— By Scott Hettrick