We Are World video in HiDef

We Are World video in HiDef

I was really underwhelmed by the first iteration of the Haiti relief 25th anniversary remake of Michael Jackson’s, Qunicy Jones’ and Michael Richie’s “We are the World” fund-raiser music video which premiered on NBC prior to the Opening Ceremonies Friday night, as I was with the less-than-dynamic or stirring Opening Ceremonies themselves, despite the HiDef.

Scott Hettrick
Scott Hettrick

But everything got a lot better with Saturday’s coverage of the first day of competitions at the Olympics on Saturday.

NBC debuted a much longer and far better version of “We Are the World,” featuring more shots of individual singers and a WAY better cut from start to finish.

Wow, it is a great integration of all sorts of new music styles and voices introduced to the world in the last quarter of a century, as well as touching homage to Jackson. Really impactful.

I’m just sorry those involved didn’t present this version to the biggest audience on Friday night in primetime.

Check it out yourself here in HiDef (original 1985 video follows below)…

The original 1985 video was no less impactful in terms of the incredible assemblage of superstar singers of the day and the USA for Africa message, but this video below as compared to the HiDef version above is a vivid indication of the power that HiDef brings to the image and how it therefore enhances the experience and the impact…