Screen Gems’ 3D “Priest” Jan. 11, 2011

Screen Gems’ 3D “Priest” Jan. 11, 2011

Screen Gems’ “Priest,” based on the Min-Woo Hyung graphic novel series about a warrior priest Priest150x225who disobeys Church law by teaming with a young sheriff and a beautiful priestess to track down a band of renegade vampires before they turn the priest’s kidnapped niece into one of them, will be configured for 3D and released 11 months from now on January 11, 2011.

Screen Gems president Clint Culpepper said, “…we saw some spectacular sequences in the film that we all believed would be even more amazing in 3D.”

The movie directed by Scott Stewart stars Paul Bettany, Cam Gigandet, Karl Urban, and Maggie Q.

— By Scott Hettrick