3ality a 3D camera reality

3ality a 3D camera reality

With 3ality Digital CEO Sandy Climan and VP sales and marketing Anglea Wilson Gyetvan standing nearby, director of photography Dave Drzewiecki demonstrated 3ality’s “beam splitter” camera system during a media preview of the new Sony 3D Technology Center on Friday (Feb. 5).

The camera system not only offers remote control adjustment of the spacing between the lens of two cameras but also features a rig with the second camera mounted on top of the first to eliminate horizontal spacing issues.

(Story continues below the following video highlight of demo of 3ality camera system.)

[flashvideo file=”http://hollywoodinhidef.com/wp-content/uploads/Sony3DTech3ality.flv” image=”/wp-content/uploads/Sony3DTechDrez3ality500x348.jpg” width=500 height=350 /]

Drzewiecki said that constant adjustment of the spacing between lenses is critical to avoid audience eye strain and to maximize the effectiveness of 3D and keep the focal point on the desired object in the frame.

Such nuances and tips are the point of the new Tech Center, which is offering four-day 3D training courses starting early next month.

The courses cover not only cameras and related equipment but storytelling and even terminology for 3D cinema as well as 3D TV for taped and live programming and videogames.

Sony announced during the preview that the studio shot last month’s Sony Open in 3D and was doing testing of 3D for “Wheel of Fortune” and “Jeopardy!

By Scott Hettrick