The most notable title this week and one absolutely worth recommending near…
First 3D Blu-ray not Cloudy at all
I was ready to be underwhelmed by my experience with the first…
IMAX to get 3 more Disney movies
The next “Pirates of the Caribbean” movie will not only be the…
$55 mil. spent on 3D TVs and Blu-rays
In only three months after a couple companies launched the first 3DTVs…
Disney pulls four nets from Dish
In the latest battle over network fees resulting in the loss of…
Echostar launches HiDef sat in Taiwan
EchoStar’s international subsidiary launched digital premier pay-TV service DishHD in Taiwan, the…
NASCAR race in 3D July 3
The next sporting event coming at ya in 3D will be NASCAR’s…
Records galore: Toy Story 3, 3D, IMAX, Pixar
Another 3D movie, another opening weekend record and another new standard for…
Clash of Titans on Blu July 27
The remake of “Clash of the Titans” will be released on HiDef…
IMAX first Pixar 3D film; Thailand deal
IMAX Corp., which today opens the company’s first Pixar 3D movie at…