“Disney’s animated “Moana” will be released on Blu-ray 3D March 7 following…
Discover Collateral Beauty on Blu-ray March 14
You can discover “Collateral Beauty” with Will Smith and an all-star cast…
Oscar-nom “Lion” on Blu-ray April 11
The Oscar-nominated Best Picture of the Year, “Lion,” will be released on…
Fantastic Beasts on Ultra HD & 3D Blu-ray March 7
“Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” will be released March 28…
Light Between Oceans tough love story
When you find an infant baby and keep it as your own…
Accountant adds up on Blu-ray
Ben Affleck is a man of many faces lately, from superhero to…
Neeson, Battle for Incheon explosive, poignant
The story of General Douglas MacArthur’s daring and massive surprise attack during…
Milk & Honey goes down easy
The new novel Milk and Honey on the Other Side serves up…
Snowden exposed, heralded on Blu-ray
It’s rare that a biographical film is produced about a living person;…
Accountant arrives Jan. 10 on Blu-ray
Batman becomes “The Accountant” when Ben Affleck is booked for release on…